20/40 Extendable Tandem Container Chassis With PSI – USA

This chassis is designed for transporting one ISO 20’ or one ISO 40’ containers. This chassis meets all DOT, AAR, ANSI, TOFC, FMVSS, SAE and TTMA specifications.
Overall Length:29’ -11” retracted or 40’-10” extended
Overall Width:96
Fifth Wheel Height:48 ± 1”
Kingpin Location:24” (From rear face of front bolster)
Landing Gear Location:100” (From centerline of kingpin)
Axle Spread:49”
Tandem Location:54” (From rear face of rear bolster)
Tare Weight:7,660 lbs ± 3%
Payload:44,640 lbs in 20’ position; 67,040 lbs in 40’ position

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